No idea what to do

I knew that when I missed my period I was pregnant. I just didn't want to accept it. then came the time where I had to take the test and it happened around 2 or 3 days ago and i was still in this state of shock and denial but mostly denial. I'm a sophomore in highschool and keeping the baby is something I just can't afford to do. my parents wouldn't be supportive seeing that they had me at a very young age and would hate to see me make the same mistakes that they did but here I am and I can't help but feel disappointed in myself. I'm in California so i am aware that i can get an abortion without my parents consent but its just a matter of scheduling an appointment and going. My boyfriend supports me and wants to help but we just don't know how to figure this stuff out and I'm afraid we won't and it'll be too late. I started to accept the fact that i was pregnant and i had to go through this today and i just cant get through the day without breaking down and just freaking out unaware of what to do. it's just a matter of how I schedule the appointment and the cost. I would usually have painful periods as well and the cramps that might come along with the pill intimidate me as well. I'm afraid that if I go to a clinic they would judge me because I'm so young.