People's thoughts on weed.

I know we are all allowed our own thoughts but I find some of them really off the charts. I'm not making this to put people down or anything, more to maybe educate. That said, I'm a full time college student with a 3.5 gpa been smoking weed since I was 17. I read comments where people say "it makes you slower" or "you lose brain cells". why would weed be used medically if it was really that bad for you? I mean it hasn't made me slower or less smart doing it. Yeah i could have a 4.0 gpa but family issues popped up, cant change that. I have my medical card for it, honestly to me without using weed id probably be on some horrible pain pills and to me that's were the addiction starts. I feel like peoples view on weed is all over the place. That said, it's not like I'm saying smoke weed, I'm saying not every body that smokes weed is a typical stoner we see on tv, also I know its not for everyone but I'm just saying have a open mind, if someone says they smoke don't automatically assume they are a bad person for it.