What’ do you all think about this????


So tomorrow I am testing again. I was one day late and tested to humor myself and it was positive. But I am unsure because last month I had a very heavy weird period and thought maybe it was a miscarriage. But now I am over 5 days late so I’m testing tomorrow morning than again on the 24th. And if it all comes out positive and no AF I have a perfect way to announce it to my hubby.

The 27th is our anniversary, I wanna take him to where he proposed and I wanna get on my knee and present him a box w the test in it and ask him if he will be the father of our child. And recreate that moment but now bringing him the news of us finally conceiving. lol. I thought it would be cute and meaningful. What do you think? And how have you all broke the exciting news to your SO??