My BFP after a Christmas chemical

Courtney • Currently pregnant with baby #2 27 years old. Reside in Tucson, AZ

Hi glow!

I am writing this to shed hope on some who have had a chemical. It is a hard thing to go through and it just sucks. My story is I was trying for a year. Fell pregnant on the 12th month, December, and surprised my S/O with a gift under the tree. Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> I lost our baby. I was so devastated. It was my first and only pregnancy and I craved it so bad that I just felt powerless. I was powerless. Nothing anybody could have done differently for my baby to be saved. So I just cried it out. Slept, cried and prayed. 🙏 I spent countless hours searching stuff on google, glow, etc about TTC after a chemical. We tried right away once the bleeding stopped. It was amazing and I felt that much closer to him as I did before. He was the rock during that struggle. I felt bad I told him early (I couldn’t wait for Christmas morning) and we ended up having a miscarriage 1.5 days later. He was hurt, sad, didn’t know what went wrong etc. while reading that it is very easy to conceive after a loss had me super excited. But I would also read the unsuccessful stories too. Of course my mind was determined to have conceived again. Today, I have an apt with my OBGYN that I selected for my last pregnancy, so I decided to test and within no time another line showed up. Of course we are skeptical but I am praying this little bean sticks ❤️ don’t ever give up hope! Believe in the process and have faith in the man upstairs.