more worried this time round


Hi ladies. I'm pregnant with baby num 2, my first pregnancy (6 years ago) started offngreat & then took a turn. First with spd then pre eclampsia, which I spent 2 weeks in hospital with & ended up having my daughter at 36 weeks. This time round I'm monitored more by midwife and consultant, taking apsrin everyday..........I'm 26 weeks. And this time round I'm more worried about everything. Every time my midwife says your urine is clear or tour blood pressure is fine, I feel so releaved. Why do I feel more worried this time round, I've had some spots/headaches and slight swelling to ankles, which makes my anxiety even worse. (midwife isnt too worried as this isn't happening all the time and everything else is fine). I want to be able to relax more and enjoy it but I feel like I can't.