i’m faking it


i fake an orgasm literally every single time we have sex. it’s been TWO years and he’s actually never even made me cum once. he thinks he has every time because i lie. i’m so far into the lie that if i say i didn’t, he’s confused. i don’t want to tell him because when he tries too hard to help me cum, i don’t feel pleasure. it’s like i’m more comfortable and enjoy it more when he doesn’t try because it’s all the wrong moves. i know i should just be honest, but AM I REALLY ALL ALONE ON THIS ONE? have other girls done this. i’m not really looking for advice because anytime i ask anyone, they tell me to tell him and that’s not helpful because i hate when he tries to help me, it never feels good. i just want to know if this is common in other relationships. I STILL ENJOY SEX, i just never finish