HELP! What am i doing wrong?


Here is my background... I have been irregular since I was 17. Maybe 3 to 5 periods a year. I am now 26 and still irregular. I was over weight and have lost 55 pounds now. I had a period In February then nothing until June and July I spotted 2 days a week for 7 weeks straight. The first week of August I had a normal period on the 5th, Same thing on Sept 7th, October 10th and then November 7th. All of this was naturally no meds. Then I didn't have a period In December but I wasn't pregnant so my doctor put me on provera. He also suggested that I get some Opks. I went with the Pregmate ones. They came in day 3 of 10 of Provera. Our of curiosity I took one for 3 days each coming up positive. (this was on provera) fast forward a few days and i start my period on the 9th of January. I took 2 opks test on CD8 positive on both. CD9 took 2 and both negative. CD10 I took 3 and all positive. So out of 10 test only 2 were negative and both on the same day. What am I doing wrong? I feel like I shouldn't have this many positives and this early.