Do I give up on my own eggs?


I’m 43, partner 36 and ttc #1 for almost 3 years. Never been pregnant that I know of before nor even suspected it. I’ve had 4 cycles of <a href="">IVF</a> (I think - do the first 2 count when they failed to get any mature eggs?) and 5 embryos put back. I respond very poorly to any stim protocol and naturally I’m also DOR. This last cycle was my best yet, with 3 mature eggs that all fertilised and developed to Day 3 and were transferred. BFN again.

The doctor is now strongly in favour of donor eggs- actually he was before, when I started with him on my 3rd cycle. I would be 44 by the time I can do another <a href="">IVF</a> cycle, and I’ve read all of the literature about the low success rate past 40 and then 44. I know that donor eggs are likely the only way to succeed, but I find it very hard to accept. My partner is very much on the fence about the issue and keeps pointing out that we have improved every cycle.

I’m not expecting anyone to tell me what to do. I’d just like to hear your thoughts.