Hot Face! Braxton Hicks Already?

Maddie • Mommy to Sophia Grace && Silas Michael. ♥️ Proud Pit-bull Rescuer. 🐾 Married, && treated like a queen. 👑

I've felt a tightening in my stomach a few times today.

Was kinda worried, but I felt my little love kicking around in there and it eased my anxiety a little bit. ♥️

I'm 22 weeks, 5 days. Is it normal to have BHC this early? I didn't get them till closer to 30 weeks with my daughter.

I also had an issue tonight with my cheeks, forehead, and ears being super hot and red ! Felt like I had a sunburn, and looked that way too. But it went back to normal temperature, after I put some ice packs on my face and turned a fan on. My body felt normal temperature the whole time though? Should that be something I worry about? I was gonna call my doctor, but it was pretty late- and I've already called after hours a couple of times about things they thought was no biggie, so I didn't wanna bother them 🤷🏻‍♀️