Light brown spotting...


Hello, all. I'm currently 15 weeks 2 days with baby#2 and yesterday started having light brown spotting (only when I wipe, not enough to get on my undies). This will be the third bout of brown spotting that I've had with this pregnancy. The first time was around 8 weeks, the second time was around 10 weeks and both times I attributed to being very constipated and straining too hard to have a bm and it stopped after a couple days. This time, it seemed to come out of nowhere. I haven't been very constipated and there hasn't been any intercourse recently. My midwife said to just keep an eye on it and that she can see me on Monday or Tuesday for my reassurance. I don't have any cramping associated with it, so trying not to worry. Just wondering why this keeps happening. And I started feeling baby fluttering around week 13, and trying not to think too much about it, but haven't felt too much over the past few days. I know it's early, and won't feel baby consistently for another few weeks. Just a little nervous in general. Any words of wisdom? Thanks, ladies and hope you all have a wonderful day!