To the boy that was once my world

I am sick of being your second choice. I am a strong, beautiful woman and I refuse to be treated as anything less than that. You use me because you know that I am in love with you. At the beginning everything was great. Then, as soon as things had the potential to get serious you started to flake. You wouldn't respond to my texts and anytime we were together in a group of people you pretended that you didn't even know me. All of a sudden I wasn't a priority to you and other girls names seemed to be dominating you snapchat and texts. You pushed me out and told me you didn't have time for me. When I pushed you for the truth you told me that I simply wasn't good enough for you. So fuck you. I am the best girl you will ever get. I treat everyone with nothing but respect and kindness. I am smart, hardworking, and hot as fuck. So congratulations on losing the best thing to ever happen to you because I am done trying to be good enough for you and I know now that I am good enough for myself and that's all that matters. I can't wait until you see just how happy I can be without you.