Please stop

We had to watch a video the other day in class. It was a video on what could happen if we were to drink and drive. My mind went to the thought of you. I know you have your own struggles and everything. I thougbt about you when the video came on. I didn't pay attention to the video because I was to busy rhinkin that you could be one of the people who cause an accident be ause you drank a little too much alcohol to rid the memories from when you served. I eventually started crying and I just want to let you know that I want you to be careful when you drink. I don't wanna lose you because you die from deunk driving or because you got arrested for drunk driving. I want my dad and I wan you to stop drinking all the time. Please stop for me dad. If not for me stop for my brothers and sisters. Or stop for your mom and dad. Or stop for your brothers and sisters. Or stop because you don't want Uncle Bob to have to arrest you. Please stop. ***Uncle Bob is not the uncles real name. Bob is a made up name to protect the identidy of others that don't wan there real name used or do not know about this.