Found out I'm preggo again but now I smoke weed

I have a daughter already 2 years old. Ever since she was born I started smoking weed/vaporizing. It helped with my PPD as well as eating and sleeping. And the back labor I had was so intense my back is always in pain. Well I found out I'm pregnant with #2. I smoke everyday in total 1 1/2 joints so I can eat or sleep at night. I guess my question is has anyone smoked during pregnancy? Atleast to help with nausea or pain. I would definitely only stick to vaporizing because it's not smoke its vapor. But I've been readin a lot online saying doctors drug test you and will call cps if they find it in your system. I have my REC card and im 20 years old. I didn't smoke before my first so I didn't even think about it the first time. Any advice/experience would be great. If you just comment to criticize please move along.