What the hell is going on?


So, my last period was on November 15, 2017. The next month (December) I had some spotting. Nothing like my usual periods which are extremely heavy. I am also very regular and nothing stressful or anything like that happened. Also the blood was a brownish red color, not the usual bright red. Me and my SO have been TTC for about 8 months. About a week or two later I went out to eat and took one bite of an egg roll and instantly threw up. Boobs started hurting and I felt a little more bitchy than usual. And of course now I’m freaking out because now everything is making sense so I get a couple HPT’s and to my surprise all of them are negative. So I’m like okay. I’m not pregnant obviously, maybe my body is going crazy from all this TTC. Everyone was telling me to go get a blood test and such, but I didn’t wanna go waste the money and time, because I thought for sure I’d get my period the next month, so I told everyone that I’ll go get a blood test if I don’t get my period in January. Now here I am 5 days late and BFN’s still. I guess I’m going to have to get a blood test and figure out what’s wrong. if you have any stories like this, regardless if you ended up pregnant or not let me know.