Starting to lose hope about to give up.


So Monday the 15th af was supposed to great me but never did. Now it’s Sunday the 21st and no Af. Anxiety is at a all new high I just want to cry. My cycles have always been no later then 28. The earliest ever is cd 26. I had a iud removed sept 29 2017. By November everything was back on track like it was 5 years prior to iud and child. I have tracked my cycles and cp and cm. Including ditching cheap opk and got clear blue digital to make life easier. I had peak dec 31st believe I ovulated on Jan 1st. I am currently on cd 33 that would be 21dpo and so many negative pregnancy tests. When I got pregnant with my son at 17 I was on birth control pills. Even then I could read my body to know something was off and had Painful boobs like now. That was all it took and I realized I need to test I used two digital first response tests one at night and again in the am. I was 4 weeks pregnant. Now I have negative cheap $store brand and Walmart and first response regular and digital test. My cp is high and between soft and med soft. Closed and wet mix of watery creamy and a few time ewcm. I am losing it I want my af to show so I can just forget about ttc and let it happen when it will for us. My husband isn’t my sons bio so has me a lil nervous about his fertility. Not ready to go to doc for anything makes me on edge I have never been good with doc nor is my hub. Plus to expensive to be told everything is fine or that we have a slim chance unless we throw down thousands of dollars on treatment. Judge me but I don’t need to read negative comments right now about my feelings and take on ttc. For many reasons going to a doc isn’t in our book right now insurance won’t cover it and hubby has no insurance right now. Who has dealt with a missed period like me ? And what was your out come did af show and when?