Dear Mother in Law

Dear crazy fucking mother in law,

On Friday you called us telling us you had a heart attack. We were at the checkout lane at the grocery store paying for our food by the time you called us. We were frantically putting our groceries in the car and drove to the hospital to come see how you were doing. We arrive and see you in the waiting room with your sister wondering why they weren’t taking you in yet because YOU HAD A HEART ATTACK! Why wouldn’t they let you in? 2 hours later we find out you never had a heart attack, your doctor told you that if you didn’t get healthier you would have a heart attack. You never pay attention so I wasn’t surprised you took it as you were having one. An hour later you start blaming me, your son, and your grandson for all your health problems when you know damn well we tried to help you. You are type two diabetic and what do you do? EAT CANDY! All the TIME! All day! As well as cake! Fuck a healthy meal. You call healthy meals “stupid”. We did so much for you. We let you live with us when you were evicted for 6 months while you made our lives HELL! Pure hell! You treated me like shit, you called me a horrible mother and a horrible person after I opened my home to you. We helped you find an apartment, we drive 30 miles every week to take you grocery shopping because walking a mile is too much for you, even though you are able bodied, and how do you repay us? By blaming us for your problems. Fuck you, Cindy. I’m done with you. I’m not exposing my innocence children to your toxicity, I’m not exposing myself to your toxicity. We are DONE! I won’t miss you, you miserable bitch. I make your son a happy man, and his kindness kept you from dying on the streets. He is too kind to cut you out, but I’m not. I don’t care if you’re disabled. I don’t care if you’re old. It’s not a fucking excuse, you stupid bitch! Goodbye, Cindy. Goodbye and go to hell.