Angry Momma

Erica • Mommy of 2 beautiful little boys❤️

The one thing that has bothered me the most about being pregnant, isn't the back pain or getting up every 20 mins to pee, it's all the so called advice or what I should or should not be with MY baby. People telling me to circumcised him when I don't want to. People telling me not use clothe diapers when I want to. People telling me that I shouldn't breastfeed after a few months because it's not needed. I want to know where these people are getting their facts from. They haven't had a child since the 90's. Things change! Who says its not sanitary to have an uncircumcised penis? Who says it more expensive to use clothes diapers because you have to wash them? Who says its not healthy for the child to have breast milk at the age of 4? I didn't want your advice if I haven't asked for it. I don't want to hear your opinion, I don't care what you have to say. It's my child I will raise him the way I see fit. I'm not sure if you other soon to be moms are facing the same problem but I just want to tell them to "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Yes this is a rant about my future mother and father in law but come on. They don't need to over step there boundaries. They raised there kids now it's me and my boyfriend turn. So back off. You dont see my mom getting in an argument with me over circumcising my son. Who btw isn't due till May!! I mean come on really!?!?