Clomid 😏


I’m starting round 2 of clomid (100mg) and I’m really hoping and praying I don’t need another round! I do not ovulate on my own and before clomid my OBGYN took my blood and my progesterone levels were at 0.83 😔 last month (December) they checked my progesterone levels again after clomid and they were at 10!! 😊 So I’m hoping that’s a really good sign! 🤞🏼I have PCOS so TTC has been a real struggle and after having a miscarriage last January my husband and I are ready for our angel baby💕 has anyone else been on clomid and if so how many rounds did it take? I know everyone is different but I’d love to hear some positive outcomes! Baby dust to all 😘💕👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾👶🏿