i've had 2 abortions.

So, i have had 2 abortions. First one was at 15 years old, i chose to have the procedure done. My family was almost convincing me not to do it. But i knew i could not take care of a child at 15. The second was when i was 17, honestly, that time i had no other choice, the guy i had a one night stand with was a horrible person. Crazy, abusive, on drugs & selling drugs and constantly in and out of jail. There was absolutely no way i was going to have this mans child. Any who- both were terminated very early on almost as soon as finding out. Is it horrible of me that I really have no regrets about my choices? Even to this day, im honestly so glad i did it. Each time after the procedure all i felt was a huge relief. Im now 21 years old with one son & another baby on the way. Both from a man i want to spend the reat of my life with. But some times i cant help but feel like an evil bitch for having no remorse about terminating those pregnancies. But then i begin to think about how shitty my life would have been if i hadnt and i start to feel so grateful that i went through with it both times. Anyway, just felt like sharing that.