Is it retained tissue from a missed miscarriage or have I been pregnant this whole time?


I'm trying to piece together why my period is late, I have a positive pregnancy test when I haven't been sexually active since November and had a period in December.

So November 20th I had the heaviest faucet flowing painful period I've ever had. I was literally dripping blood , super soaking tampons, super soaking my leggings. I had really bad cramps, lower back pain, all which is unusual but I paid no attention to. It last like 9-10 days, still unusual but didn't pay attention.

Two and a half weeks later I started bleeding again, but it's dark brown, slimy, barely fills up a tampon and last about 2 days it stunk too. Didn't think it was strange that my period came so quick, I did however think it was strange that it was brown and very very light. Thought it might be apart of my thyroid issue. I also had a lot of cramping after my period right before New Years which I thought was weird. I went to the bathroom and wiped and no blood but a small little reddish blackish thing that looked like a booger came out. My breast were a little sore on and off period or not for the past couple of months, and this week it stopped.

So since early November I've had abdominal pain and back pain, to the point where I'm rubbing my hips, butt, mid back, lower back, asking people to rub my back because it hurts so much!! Hot flashes 3 -4 times a day, high blood pressure. Terrible mood swings. still didn't think anything of it tho smh

Now it's near end of janurary according to glow im like two weeks late for my period. Yesterday I had a very very sharp pain that lasted about ten minutes on my lower right abdomen.

I took the first pregnancy test yesterday and it came back very dark positive , I took another one today and it's a lighter positive

Did I miscarry and retained tissue ? Or am I really pregnant ? I have no pregnancy symptoms, I was actually bloated thinking I was PMSing, then I debloated

I'd also like to point out that my blood pressure was through the roof the two days I bled in December 157/103.

I'm worried and if you took the time out to read this thank you so much I know it's long