Ovulation after mc?


I wonder whether anybody here has had any experience that can help me make sense of things.

I had a miscarriage just over 4 weeks ago, at what should have been 11 weeks, but the doctor said my baby had stopped developing quite a while before then. I had a natural miscarriage with no complications, and bled for just over a week afterwards.

I haven’t had a period yet. I have been using Clearblue Advanced ovulation tests, and I have been ‘high’ fertility for six days, but it hasn’t shown ‘peak’ fertility.

My bbt shot up 4-5 days ago, immediately after getting ewcm, but it was much lower to start with than it has been in cycles before I was pregnant. It has stayed at the higher temp, but that’s only slightly higher than my pre-ov temps in previous cycles. I don’t know whether that’s to do with the mc, or whether it’s because it’s very cold here at the moment (snow and ice on the ground) and we don’t heat the bedroom at night.

I’m totally confused about whether I have actually ovulated or not. Any thoughts?