1/22 cd 16 1dpo?? (long post, lots of questions😆)


not the temp rise i was hoping for, but def back up there. cm has significantly decreased this morning. and i had some pretty excruciating left sided cramping that moved to almost in the center cramps by midnight. the pains started around 5am yesterday, sporatic and twingy at first randomly throughout the day, but by 5pm it was pretty severe and constant sharp pinching and pulsing type cramps. it was pretty crazy, i wanted so badly to take some ibuprofen, but didn't because i didnt want to stop the ovulation process if that indeed was what it was. i also did some reading about mittelschmerz , (midcycle pains) which i have had since i was 12 yrs old, and unfortunately all i came up with was, the pain can be pre-ovulation, during ovulation, or post ovulation and every woman is different the only way to confirm is with ultrasound to see what is actively happening on the ovary during the time of pain. also read that some women can feel the fallopian tube contractions from moving the egg along after ovulation, hence the post ovulation pain. so i was secretly hoping and trying to imagine the pains i was feeling were my body moving the eggy along! 😆😆😆 do any of you ladies have any insight on the mid-cyle ovulation pains???