Stopping Anti-Depressants


I’ve had depression since I was 9 and have been on medication since I turned 18. Now that I’m pregnant I told my doctor I would like to start weaning myself off of the anti-depressants but she thinks it’s worth it for me to just stay on them. I take lexapro and most people compare lexapro withdrawal to withdrawal from heroine. I would rather go through the withdrawal myself than my baby go through it once he is born. Any advice? How will this affect my baby while he is in the womb?

Edit: Doctor have me the go ahead to begin decreasing my dosage and I’ll need good vibes and prayers ❤️ Anti- depressants have helped me get on my feet again but if I can live medication free I would like to especially while pregnant and later while nursing. If it doesn’t go well I will be put on a less addictive/non-narcotic anti-depressant. ❤️