My Friend Turned Into a Bully *update*

I post about this awhile ago and got some good advice and perspective on my issue. I would have just updated the original post but I was afraid no one would see it since they don’t go to top anymore.

Again sorry for my English, it is not my first language.

I posted before when I found out my brother was participating in adult film for money and my friend found out and tried to show me one of his videos.

She was saying very mean things to me about my brother. I had to stop being friends with her because she would not stop saying these things even when I asked her too.

I thought it would be ok, but then she told everyone at school. Some people didn’t believe her and I just tried not to talk to people about it. But it’s hard when so many people at school ask me all these question about my brother.

Some of my friends even told their parents and now they aren’t allowed to come to my house anymore or for me to come to their house because their parent say I am a bad influence because my brother’s job...

I hoped it would blow over, but today I got to school and she had brought pictures. She had taken screenshots of one of my brother’s videos she bought and showed them to people as proof. He isn’t naked in them but it is obviously from adult film by looking at it.

She has even offered to let people come to her house and watch the film since she bought and no one can watch it for free anywhere.

Today has been horrible with all these printed pictures everywhere. I told a teacher about it but because no one is naked in the pictures, they are only taking them away if it is distraction in class. They were taped all over my locker. And I think several girls are going to her house this week to see the video.

I don’t know if I should tell my brother when I get home today. He would be very mad that they are using him to bully me, but I also want it to be stopped. I didn’t even tell him about friends who aren’t allowed to hang out with me anymore because I didn’t want him to feel bad... but this is too much for me to handle by myself now.


I talked to the vice principal about her wanting to show other people the video after school. She is 16, so she not legally old enough to buy it. She said she uses her mom’s card to buy things online and her mom doesn’t check what she buys. That’s how she was able to get it. I don’t know what the principal will do about it yet. I might not find out until tomorrow. She will be really mad at me I think.

I still haven’t worked up the courage to talk to my brother about it yet because I know he will feel bad about it. I may ask him if I can try to change schools if it doesn’t get better by summer. I’m not sure how that works, but my friends aren’t allowed to hang out with me anymore on top of all this going around. If I can go somewhere else where people don’t know about my brother’s job, I would want to.