just looking for opinions.

I’m a stay at home mom with a 2 year old.

my husband believes that when he comes home from work, he can go hang out at his friends house next door whenever. most of the time, it’s for 2-4+ hours at night. sometimes he stays as late as midnight or 1am. he goes over there every night, every day of the week. sometimes multiple times per day. his exact words are “I hang out over there once y’all are in bed so I can at least hang out and talk to someone.” I haven’t once gone out with any friends in the 2 years since my daughter has been born. nor do I want to. I feel like he’s being a child because he thinks he constantly needs to be entertained, hanging out, whatever. they smoke, drink, play xbox for HOURS everyday. we’re 25 years old. seriously, I need your opinion on if I’m being ridiculous about thinking he should be home with us every night. regardless if we’re asleep. I think one night on the weekend should be good, he thinks otherwise. would you stay? leave? start going out every night and making him stay with the sleeping toddler? I’m so over this life and it’s been 5 months of him going over there for hours. opinions please!!