Best make up sex ever

So the last few days have been really rough on my relationship with my fiancé. He broke up with me then stayed at his friends for a day, he came home last night and at first it was okay we cuddle a bit then started talking about why we we fought and that turned into an argument and i swear my heart shattered even more. Then he said maybe all we were meant to be was a fling, that shit hurt so bad lemme tell you. He asked why our upstairs neighbour was protective of me and I got so confused until I remember the neighbours mother saying he was protective of his brother, I face palmed so hard and clarified that he is protective of his autistic brother, all my boyfriend had to say was "oh" I was still wearing my engagement ring at this point he looked at my hand and the ring and said "give me the ring back" this whole time I managed not to cry but at this moment my eyes teared up but I pushed back the tears and handed him the ring. He then told me to stand up, by this time my whole body was shaking with choked back sobs. He then stood up and got down on one knee and was like "I know I broke up with you yesterday but will you marry me" I said yes and cried, and he hugged me, then he said if I accuse him of cheating on more time he will leave for good, I honestly don't know if he were cheating for real I feel like it doesnt matter. I've been cheated on by every boyfriend I've had so I kinda just expect it to happen now, I need to work on that. Anyway after that we were just laying in bed and listening to music, than he said let's play a game, sso he went on spotify and would play songs and I'd have to guess who they were by, if I got it wrong I had to take a a piece of clothing needless to say I was naked after like 5 songs. Then if I got it wrong I had to suck his dick, I knew the song but I got it wrong on purpose I seen something in porn earlier that day that I wanted to try, which is you go from sucking his dick to pretty much making out with his balls, he's usually a silent lover but I had him going loud 🙄 he started to play with my pussy while I was sucking his dick.. He had me cumming within five minutes he pulled me on top of him and we started making out, then rolled so he was ontop, he stsrted kissing the inside of my thighs by this time I was so wet, the he licked from the back of my pussy to my clit and ate my pussy so good I grinded upwards on his face and the vibration from him moaning into my pussy made me cum hard all over his face, then he got up and finally put his cock in me and started pounding my pussy good . he was playing with my clit while he fucked my pussy. After a while I felt his cock throb in me and he moaned I felt the hotness of his cum inside me, I find men moaning to be really fucking hot so I got even more

turned on. We are ttc so we didn't bother wearing rubber, so since he came I thought we were done, nope he laid me beside him and started to play with my clit I swear that man's finger game is the best I've ever had and he made me cum for the third time. Then he just laid there cuddling and talking ubtil 6 am he had to get up for work in two hours so we went to sleep. Hoping for have repeat sex tonight 😍😍😍