Friend who secretly wants a baby

I’m 5months pregnant and I live with a close friend of mine. Ever since I gotten pregnant she tells me every day she doesn’t want to be pregnant or ever get pregnant and she’s happy she’s not pregnant. Some times her comment seem kinda offensive. Like if being pregnant at my age is very bad. We’re both 22. But from time to time she’ll tell me stuff like. “How would you know if you had a miscarriage at one month?” “I don’t think I can get pregnant.” I asked if they use protection and she said always so I was a little confused on how she thinks she can’t if she never had the chance to? Ever since I got pregnant she wants to take pregnancy test every month. She tells me she feels off . I’m having a gender party so I’m planning stuff and I ask her for her opinion but it kinda seems to get her in a bad mood. Whenever someone starts talking about my pregnancy and the baby she leaves the room and gets in a bad mood. She won’t tell me the truth and I just dont want her to feel bad or sad if she’s secretly trying. I don’t really know what to do. I’m excited about my pregnancy but I feel like I have to act like it’s nothing just for her.