

Let me start by saying that I met my SO about a 1 1/2. I started to flirt with him and everything started from there. we went out on dates and we had sex but I never thought that I would actually catch feelings for him. well I did and I told him I didn't want to be his fuck buddy anymore that I wanted a serious relationship so he did actually ask me to be his girl in July 2017 so yes we been cool and all I guess but sometimes I feel really unappreciated like for ex: Christmas he didn't spend it with me or even ask me if I wanted to spend it with him... New Year's he had to work and said that he did actually reach out to me,but honest truth I was to busy smoking bud with my homie and his fam having fun. I left with my friend & fam because since my man didn't had me in consideration for Christmas what made me think he was going to think about me on new years!? anyways the point is that I always do my best to be loveable with him but when it comes to me it's like "fuck me". I really care for this man and I want to say I love him, but feeling just an option is like a no for me. I said I love you many times to him and I never get an i love you back! all he says its hmm why? it's getting to me and honestly I don't know what to think no more or say.. I need opinions please.