So different this time.


I've had two relatively symptoms free pregnancies (they are call unremarkable), only times I had issues in both were 36 weeks+ because of their sizes. Now this pregnancy has gotten to me. Fatigue, sore boobs (my first two my boobs didn't grow or hurt... At all), my stomach is doing Braxton hicks (i normally had them around week 24), peeing more (sounds strange but I could sleep 8 hours even heavily pregnant), and extreme and frequent hunger!

The hunger is what has me, I normally am the opposite, I can't physically eat. This time every 3-4 hours my head starts: you have an apple in there or popcorn or sandwich... At 11pm I reason with myself, no it's late you don't need to eat. Then the voice is more frequent and won't let me go to sleep, then the cramping starts until I give up and get something at least somewhat healthy to eat. I have had STRONG urges to eat squash, another weird symptom, I have never had cravings just aversions....

Both my previous pregnancies were girls maybe this one is a boy? 8 week appointment today and I finally get to see my bean on the screen. Ramzi doesn't work with me, my first was in the boy position and my second was in the girl position lol.