What do you do if you don’t have the money

So because I’ve been so sick I’ve been missing work and I work on commission so I have $35 2 my name and I don’t even have enough for an abortion I don’t have anybody in my life who is Secure enough to loan me that amount the father Lucky him is all of a sudden having money troubles someone who makes between 1000 to 6000 a week is suddenly having money troubles but I believe him because he stressed out about everything too so whatever he’s an awful awful person with money troubles it sucks he doesn’t have a dime in his bank account either so now I’m thinking he doesn’t want me to have the abortion so he’s acting funny about the money and I don’t know what to do. I have to get this baby out of me my life is falling apart I’m about to lose my job I can barely take care of my son my house looks like a disaster area I can barely move I’m soooo sick