Only 2 Days late and hopeful!


Ladies I have not posted until today. Last month we thought we miscarried, dr says could have just been 2nd period, without a blood test there is no way to know. Since I started taking excellent care of myself and my husband. We began taking supplements, taking BBT every day, using saliva and lh test, and did the BD every other day as well as fertility massage and oils and working out 5 Days a week. I learned that I may not have gotten pregnant before because when I ovulate I get extreme headaches. So I worked through them this time. So I use 3 apps. And one said AF was due in 1 day, another 3 days and another 2 days ago. So needless to say I am praying which I have been doing a lot of. Only sign is my breast are swollen and if this is even a sign my saliva test is ferning. Other than that I’m a little tired and feel amazing from changing my diets and adding supplements. I have to get blood Work on Friday if AF does not come. Please send me positive vibes and prayers! Does anyone have experience with ferning around AF? I only saw some yesterday and today a lot.