I feel different....is it just all in my head?!

Hey! So my period is due to arrive in 7days. The last time I had sex was about 4/5 days after my last period ended. It was unprotected. Maybe I'm losing my mind. But there was one day last week where I felt really heavy and weighed down in my hips. I've been living off of spicy chicken sandwiches from Wendy's and donuts and have been eating those for lunch. I've eaten that for three days. And it's not like me because I've been getting back into shape since last fall. I've been eating right. Not eating fast food so much. Don't get me wrong, I've had cheat days! But the past two weeks I've been eating really badly. Either I have the spicy chicken or I just skip eating. And I've had my favourite donut every day for the past 4 days. I'm still working out which is dumb I know because you can't eat crappy food all day and then work out And expect everything to be Okay! Another thing is I noticed yesterday and today that I have been super sensitive to smells. And normally I'm not that phased! But I walked into the washroom today and I think something passed some wind because there was a slight odour but nothing crazy gross. Anyways I sniffed the air and was immediately nauseous and puked in the toilet. And I never really vomit or get that sensation. Yesterday I made myself a coffee like I do every single morning and I felt super nasueous when I smelled it. Another thing is I have had crazy bad gas. Like I'll pass wind and it will linger and it's really foul. even for me. Could it be my new found love for donuts that is giving me gas? I'm just lost! Am I losing my mind?!