Thoughts ?🤔


If u are with a guy for two years and at first in the relationship things were great as far as sex communication etc then u start to find things. In his phone such as inboxing other girl on fb etc and texting ex’s then y’all get into it about it then he tells u that he’s gonna put a code on the phone and leave it on there cause of what u found so he puts it on there and n months later he leaves it open on accident and u go in it n he’s texting other girls he’s feeling them etc. but he shows u no attention love or affection any more cause u found things so he look at u negatively now so y’all stay bumping heads all the time and he say he don’t do stuff with u like take u out etc cause u don’t deserve it with really no explanation behind it also he alwys on fb liking and commenting on females pics but show u no attention or love at alll it’s been two years and the trust sucks cause idk wtf he’s hiding and he don’t see a problem with his flirty actions on social media alwys say that it’s just social media smh n oh sex is a big no in the relationship only once or twice a month he’s 35 I’m 24 I want it all the time n he alwys acts as if he’s not in the mood but he’s very sexual on social media towrds females on they pics etc.....??