dear children

Mommy's so sorry she couldn't give you guys the perfect family

She's sorry for all the times you guys screamed the words, "no" & "stop" while your dad hit her

She's sorry she had to do what was best for you guys by leaving him

She's so so sorry you guys will grow up in a broken home

She's sorry for the days her car was broke & she had to either carry you or push you guys in a stroller to the bus stop

She's sorry for all the hot days she had to walk you home in the heat from the bus stop

She's sorry for all the days she struggled with food

You guys don't even know how many days she went hungry just so you guys could eat

She's sorry for the days you went without water to bathe, lights to see & watch tv bcus she just couldn't afford utilies & rent.

Guys mommy is so so so sorry that you guys had to deal with these days at such a young age

She's sorry your dad lives life like he doesn't have children

I just hope that you guys can someday forgive me 😭😭

Nights I cried& prayed over you guys while you slept

I'm sorry that i don't feel as though i deserve you guys most days

I love you guys more than anything& do the best i can