Need advice about job

Bri • Married and mother to babygirl💓

So currently i work for a call center . They’re very strict when it comes to attendance but they have a form you can fill out and give to HR that let’s you miss time and not get penalized. Well i had my doctor fill out I’m pregnant but apparently they’d have to put how much time a week you’d need to miss and being pregnant you never know , could be 0 Days one week and then 5 days next week . Also my doctors doesn’t take doctors note so any sickness or ER visit won’t work . So I’m trying to figure out should i just stay home for the rest of the pregnancy and see if my husband can handle the bills on his own ( he makes around $15 an hour , so not too bad plus he offered a second job) or just try not to miss anymore days ? I’m so torn i don’t know what to do i just know i had a miscarriage 9 months ago so I’m trying to take it eAsy this time . I have epilepsy so i get overly nervous about my pregnancy and try to take it easy , currently 13 weeks 3 days