Too small to others, out of shape to me

I hate it when I’m with other girls trying clothes on and they comment on the size I am (usually 4-6, but sometimes in other terms a S or XS) saying “you’re to small” or “ya well i actually have a ass” I actually do have an ass, I just watch what I eat... just because I’m petite does not mean I have no insecurities! I DO have fat and I DO have cellulite, I DO have rolls! You can’t tell me I don’t because It’s my body and I know what I do and don’t have! I’m small because I’ve always been small but I’m also out of shape and have very little muscle compared to fat which makes me OUT OF SHAPE! Just because someone is unhappy about their weight and the fact they aren’t the same size as someone else, does not mean you have to make others feel like they’re too small when really I’m at a healthy weight for my age and height...

I’m sorry I’m at a heathy weight ?

Does this sound mean, I’m just trying to say that it’s not always fat shaming, it’s the other way around too!