To the narcissistic man I love

For the person who cut me deeply. Everything started off perfect. You were the man of my dreams. My soul mate so I thought. You made me feel special and you made me feel as if I was experiencing something new and exciting. I was a little weary to begin. I had just ended an abusive relationship with my ex. And I needed time for me. Which I never got. Maybe if I had that time I would have steered clear from your clutches. But instead I fell so deep. So deep I became blind to what was really happening. The manipulation, the games. The lies, and the pain. See your heart holds lots of insecurities. That didn't come from me. See you have unresolved pain that you think you have conquered. But it still lingers in the back of your head. And when you are upset it rears its ugly head. I never wanted things to go the way they did. I tried for months to prove myself to you. But that wasn't love. That was control. You cut down every attempt I made to love you better. And you told me that I was crazy and a liar. You brought confusion to my head. And from there it only got worse. You knew how to get in my head. And then you started putting your hands on me. And maybe it was sometimes jokingly. But you know the times that it was real. When I stood up to you that one night after arguing for hours, and finally grabbed my things to go. You pulled me back and did things that you say was a game, or fun. But was it really? I can never get that night out of my head. But that is when it was sure that I had to go. See the time came sooner than expected. But it had to be done. I can't let her see you treat me this way. She will grow up thinking that is how love is. I can see in her face when things get ugly between us how afraid she is. Don't you see when you hold me down how fast she comes in between us? She knows that something is not right. My decision to leave was truly inspired by her. And I did it to protect her little heart.