late late late!

Back in February of last year I found out I was pregnant with my second. then in March (My sons 2nd birthday to be exact) we went in for a check up and we found out our baby had no heart beat we of course were devastated and after the process of having a d&c; and getting my body back on track we have never used protection even before we conceived our son and we still obviously don't but here it is January and I have missed my period. I was due for it the 21st and it hasn't started yet so I'm going to test tonight and again in the morning and if I'm not pregnant then I'm gonna be so confused cause I have had regular periods since my miscarriage and for the last 2 months I've started 4 to5 days earlier than what this app told me I was supposed to and they seemed normal and now here I am late I've waited these past 4 days to test because I'm wondering if my body is just being dumb but idk.. just nervous!!!!