Driving myself insane...


So I'm on cycle #43 and my periods aren't exactly regular. They'll be spot on, every 32 days for a few months and then BOOM! I don't have a period for six months. I'm currently seven days late for my period, which isn't completely out of the norm for me. However, normally when I'm about to start my period, I will cramp for 3 or 4 days before hand and be moody and REALLY want sweets. None of that has happened yet. But now I'm just kind of bleh and I have been craving ham like nobodies business, plus the other morning (maybe TMI for some) my husband and I were doing the deed and out of nowhere I got insanely nauseous and had to go puke. I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up until I test. 😭😭😭 Fingers crossed though! 🤞🤞🤞