What do I do if I know there's never a chance for us?

What do I do if there's no change for us?

I like this boy. I'm close with his best friend. The problem is that my sister hates him and my mother makes fun of his "girlish" clothing style.

I try to stick up for him, telling them that he can dress the way he wants and that he can choose to express himself in whatever way he desires. I personally don't think his clothes are "girlish" by any means. He's just fashionable. Is it wrong for a guy to like fashion?

I figured out recently that my crush is starting to believe that he is asexual. To his knowledge, he's never had an interest in any girls or guys. This I know I can't change, no matter how desperately I want to.

Is there anything I can do to make myself feel better? I just keep telling myself that I can't change him or change my relatives's minds about him. But it's not really helping me have a positive outlook on the situation.