Anyone else’s 15 month old still not walking? Lol.

Vanessa • Married to the most wonderful & handsome man in the world! 👧🏻💞 born Oct. 23. 2016 & 👶🏽💚 born May 2. 2018 ♥️IG: DwyerBearFamily

Our little girl can walk but chooses not to! She takes a few steps all the time and then dunks down to crawl the rest of the way. 😂 I know we have 3 months left to go before it’s anything to be worried about but me being 25 weeks pregnant, I’m not sure if it’s a good thing for me or a bad thing 🤔 I can see the pros and cons of both but I would sure love to not have to bend down and pick her up as much when outside. 😜