Attracted to other Women...


(Need to get this off my chest)

Something happened over the weekend... my bf and I went over to his cousins house to smoke and chill. His cousins gf was there and we got to drinking and smoking and just having a good time!

His cousins gf (let’s call her C) is gorgeous! Slim thick- pretty woman! ! I noticed that I’ve really been attracted to thick and full women! (I’m a plus sized girl). I mean lord, have y’all seen iskra Lawrence or Diana sirokai? Gorgeous gorgeous! Anyway, we’ve hung out a few times before and that day, C and I were drinking all kinds of things!

Our guys left off together for about thirty minutes. As soon as they left the driveway, she exclaimed that I am so fkn gorgeous and she couldn’t wait for them to leave so she can tell me. I’m like aw thank you!! 💖

We were pretty drunk already and she sits on my lap. I’m like oh okay, then she caressed my titties over my shirt 🤭🤭 I’m like uhhh let’s get some more wine! So we do that, then she literally pulls me into the bathroom with her, and I turn around cuz she sat down to pee. She finished then we went back outside.

I was about to light a cig but couldn’t find my lighter, but her cig was lit up already and she came up to me and lit mine with hers while mine was still in my mouth... and we just stared at each other, it was kinda sexual and weird hahaha. But she had kept on giving me light touches and complimenting me...

Ever since this I can’t stop thinking about her! When I was younger ( approx. 16 years old- 22 now) I confessed to my mom that I liked girls. But I had never been in any kind of relationship. I eventually got with a guy for three years and I was pleased with being with a man. And now I’ve been with a man for four years now and I’m pleased!

Before I visited my bf’s cousin and gf C, I’ve been having dreams of women and I together- intimately! I wake up so turned on! I feel like I can classify myself as bisexual. Idunno. I’ve never had anything more with a woman besides kissing. 😫 women are so fkn gorgeous!

Now, I know I won’t cheat on my bf but there’s just that thought in the back of my head that I wonder what it’s like to be with a woman intimately... I’ve expressed this to my bf and he of course doesn’t like any of it... I mean I wouldn’t expect him to lol. I’ve brought up threesomes with another female before and he doesn’t like the idea (which I don’t push). It’s just something ya know.. pls tell me someone else out there feels the way I do