Pray for me y’all!🙏🏾

I’m not mad or jealous, but it’s been a long hard journey trying to get pregnant. It’s like every time I log onto Facebook or Instagram....somebody close to me get pregnant! Believe me I’m happy as hell for them, but I mad at myself because it hasn’t happened for me yet. People still asking when we going to have kids...😓 Lol my cousin, she thinks dropping her newborn off to go party is helping me... More like free child care lol, but I love the kid! I just want my own! Even my dog pregnant..... I’m a keep wishing and praying! I wish it was easy for me. At least I get to help decorate nurseries and set up baby showers!!! But dang.. I would love to fill the empty rooms in my home. I swear Pinterest got me ready😔

Vent over, but God I need you!