He won’t stop eating!

So I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t want to buy groceries anymore and getting pretty annoyed. It is just me and my SO, we go to the grocery store weekly. I usually plan meals like our dinner and lunch. My SO will ALWAYS add a family size bag of tortillas, 16oz cheese dip, 2 family size boxes of cereal, half gallon of milk, 2 loaves of raisin bread, sandwich bread/deli meat and grapes and then he may add a few other things he’s craving. I don’t eat of any of these things, which isn’t a problem. My problem is he devours food. It’s only the two of us so I will plan a meatloaf (make normal size with 1.5-2lbs of meat) wanting it last two days. I will get maybe two slices and he will finish it in one sitting. All of the add ins he gets at the store he will eat in 3-4days(yes the loaves of bread, entire 16oz cheese dip, all of it). If I make a pot of chili (for a family of 5) I will get one bowl and it will be gone in one sitting. If we get pizza he will get a large or extra large and I will have one slice(not really my thing) but he will eat the rest and it’s so expensive(and unhealthy but I can’t mention that) it makes me feel like if you are going to devour everything then you should buy groceries every week. I don’t usually say anything because when we first got together I was a health nazi but this isn’t even about health just that it’s expensive and annoying because I DO all of the cooking and I work mid day so I need to have a lunch ready and I usually can’t because there isn’t anything left. Am I over reacting? Is this normal?

I have tried meal prepping and labeling, it doesn’t work. He gets insulted which is why I never comment on how much he eats or what it is. I have a brother, a dad and step dad.None of them can eat an extra large pizza and two loaves of cinnamon bread and tortillas with cheese dip in one sitting and yes that’s all one meal for him. He is overweight and doesn’t do much moving around during the day so it isn’t fuel.


Also this is a snack not one of 3 meals. This isn’t about money, he makes great money (pays just about every bill) so he’d literally be like okay and just spend the extra money (probably an extra $600 a month outside of the weekly 140). I use to be according to him a health nazi and it caused a lot of problems, lots of arguing so I can’t mention health because it’s a sure fire way to cause a fight. I’ve tried just buying healthy food and he will show up with the largest size sub from Jimmy Johns and a family size bag of chips. I think I’m upset because I just don’t want him eating all of this crap. I do want him to be healthier because i know he’d be happier and flourish in every aspect of his life and it’s hard to see him have to miss things because of his size. His work office is ranked on of the fittest office in the area and he isn’t included in that. He also wears suits to work everyday and we have to do so much shopping around and special ordering so he can have what he needs. Again not about the money because money isn’t tight but I know it hurts that he can never walk in and grab a suit jacket or belt. He does occasionally say he wants to diet and I try to motivate him but if I comment to much or give healthier alternatives or ask to go for a fun walk (like just a couple thing) he gets upset because I’m pushing him. Funny thing is I’m really fit and and he encourages me and is proud of me for it and will tell me to go work out or put down the cheat meal(in a joking way of course). I don’t know what to do, to the people saying I don’t love my husband, you’re funny and maybe you don’t love your husband and that’s why you wouldn’t/don’t care.

We’ve been together 5 years, 3 years married