2nd laparoscopy


Sorry not sure where to post this.

I had my 1st lap done May 2016 and my 2nd one done today.

The first time was to remove several cysts on each ovary and look for Endometriosis. The Dr found endo but was unable to remove it.

I went today and my Dr said I will have to have surgery after I'm done having kids. My endo is so bad on my right side that he'd have to remove everything on that side. They have been tracking a large mass on my left ovary for 2 years now. The mass on my left side was explained as some type of embryo attached to my ovary. My mother wasn't able to explain it very well but I'll see my Dr again in two weeks for my follow up and find out then.

Anyone else have something similar? How long does the vaginal bleeding typically last? Any advice on gettin the gas out of my body would also be helpful. Thanks💗

This is my pic from today. Sorry if tmi.