What would you have done?


Background: I failed my 1 hr glucose test. When I went to my appt, dr gave me slip to go for my 3hr test. Decided to change doctors and by the time my authorization for the new doc went through and I was able to get an appt with her, I missed the window for the 3hr test. So she gave me the machine and had me test at home. Following week I saw her again and aside from two mornings where my fasting numbers were at 99 and 95, I had no other tests out of normal range. Fast forward to now, literally every time I test, my numbers are normal. Even when I go for my weekly NSTs and they prick me, my numbers are low.

Today: I am 38 weeks and 4 days. I am 2cm dilated, and thin but baby is still a little high. She wants me to schedule an induction at 39 weeks (this Sunday). I tell her that I don’t want to be induced and she begins to tell me all the “what could go wrongs” in order to convince me to induce. I tell her to give me a few minutes alone to call my husband and discuss. My husband and I really feel that I have been misdiagnosed with GD. Partly because I had coffee and snickers the morning of my 1hr test (I know how stupid). So we chose not to induce.

I leave the room to go to the lobby to wait for my doctor as they need the room and she is now with another patient. She comes out and asks me what my decision is. I tell her we do not want to induce. She says “What?! Are you serious? Call your husband, I’d like to speak to him!” So I call him and hand the phone over. She leaves to the back and comes back a few minutes later. Our answer is still no.

She then, out loud in front of staff and other pregnant patients waiting in the lobby, says ok I’ll need you to sign this form acknowledging that I have discussed the risks with you and you are ok with not going through with the induction and begins to say out loud what some of those risks are (ie placenta deterioration, fetal death, etc.). So now all these pregnant women are staring at me probably judging me like oh what a bad mom, putting her baby at risk for wanting a natural birth.

I did sign the waiver and left. It was horrible, I was so embarrassed.