Would it be ridiculous to even test? I feel dumb for wanting to.

So I've had regular periods my whole life (usually around day 28-30). I fooled around with a guy and he came on his hands, then fingered me. I've been super nauseous the past two months or so and I had a three day light period last month. This month I am on cycle day 44 and nothing but lots of clear watery discharge. I've never been so late in my life. I couldn't be pregnant, right? Like what are the chances. I feel ridiculous for wanting to test. I know it's childish. I was even on the pill at the time but I had missed a few, then went off of it right after that due to health reasons. Sorry for sounding like an adolescent, but I just put this all together when I told someone how I was feeling and they asked if I was pregnant. Just a grown ass woman who over thinks lol.