Dear Momma

I was four when you passed away due to a drug overdose, I’m 15 now. I don’t hold any anger against you. We still don’t know if it was suicide or accidental. I just want to tell you about my life now...I’m in the 10th grade, I don’t know how you went through all those years in college, I hate school. I’m in my 11th year of dance, I just preformed my 10th nutcracker, I had good parts. Every time I looked in the audience I was maybe hoping to see your face. Sometimes I feel like you not being here is a dream. My friends are amazing. I really wish you could have met haylee and reonnah. They’re there for me when I’m going through anything. Im so deeply in love w my current boyfriend, he understands what it’s like because his mom passed away at a young age too. Momma we clicked when we talked, he’s exactly like me and I can see us lasting, I wish you could meet him. I’m happy with myself, I’m tall and skinny and I think im beautiful. I had severe depression and anxiety after you died and I gained so much weight because of it but I’m happy now. I wish you were here to watch me grow and become a woman and I wish people wouldn’t take their moms for granted. “God I hate my mom she took my phone” “she won’t let me hang out with my friends, she sucks” They don’t know the pain behind someone so close to them leaving. Dad still misses you. We don’t talk about you much because I always feel guilty, you were the love of his life. I sometimes wish that I had a normal family but then again you were not happy with yourself and took drugs to forget so maybe this is what you wanted. However mommy I miss you dearly and I will forever love you.