He can't even change a damn diaper?!

I'm getting fed up. I know he loves our daughter and he does spend time with her and play with her every day but when it comes to her care? Nope. He's slacking. I just talked to him about it lastnight and we ended up arguing and he slept on the couch. Because I'm a SAHM he thinks I should be doing it all and that if he has to come home from work and help, that I'm being lazy and he's doing double the work. SERIOUSLY?!!! Our daughter is about to be 13 months old... Guess how many baths he's given her IN HER LIFE? ONE! I asked him when the last time he changed a diaper was, his response: "I think I changed one earlier this week, idk I don't keep count." No, let me tell you the last time you changed a diaper, literally 2 fucking weeks ago 😤😤😤😤 to top it off he had the AUDACITY to call me lazy because I need to ask him for help?! I'm getting sick of this... I have no help. Our daughter has been baby sat literally once since I gave birth. I never get time off, why does he get to come home from work and sit on the couch while I'm still running around? And he had the NERVE to tell me that HE FEELS UNAPPRECIATED?!! Ohhh my lawwdd. I'm getting sick of being called lazy and feeling like shit. To top it off he has the nerve to comment on how I don't shower everyday?! PROBABLY BECAUSE I DONT HAVE TIME. Ugh. I was posting this to ask for advice, but I see now it's turned into a long rant. Sorry...