I love my boyfriend

Maryjayne • 27. Wife & mom of boys. 💕

I’ve posted on here a couple times venting about how frustrating things have been with my boyfriend and I.

I’m 27 weeks pregnant, I have a 2 year old from my previous marriage. My boyfriend lives 2.5 hours away for the police academy.

We’ve been fighting a lot lately because I’ve been so stressed about getting stuff together for the baby and hes not around to help.

We haven’t seen each other the last 3 weeks because he’s had extra training weekends & I always tell him he should take the extra training available.

I’ve never been someone who wants to hold on and work shit out because I don’t become easily attached to people. But this man has been nothing short of amazing to me since we met and I don’t want to let him go.

This morning I woke up to this text to him and it brought me to tears because I’ve been so down, depressed, scared and feeling very insecure about our relationship. Men don’t realize how much a simple text like this can mean when things are tough. ❤️❤️❤️